Sunday 9th March 2025
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Money laundering prevention 2014 guide a global first for lawyers…..

A 2014 (October) guide produced by the International Bar Association (IBA) in conjunction with the American Bar Association (ABA) and the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) aims to give lawyers around the world new clarity on the issues around and practical guidance in detecting and preventing money laundering.

The guide – which addresses the obligations of lawyers across many jurisdictions – is the first of its type. It focuses on the legal obligations lawyers have in various situations in terms of their own compliance with AML laws and discusses the latest detection techniques being employed by lawyers to avoid involvement in money laundering.

The demand for the guide was driven by resounding feedback from lawyers at IBA, ABA and CCBE conferences in recent years, who are seeking practical guidance based on case studies of the unwitting participation of lawyers in money laundering schemes.

The guide is freely available to practitioners and the public. It is available for download by visiting:

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