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Comsure operates in:the UK, Jersey, Guernsey


2 Methodology

As part of a previous review of typologies, the Strategy Group focused heavily on convictions
before the Royal Court.3 However, cases brought to court are a small proportion of SARs
made to the JFCU and, to be fully representative of the forms of criminal activity suspected,
further information is taken into account in this paper.

2.1 Data sources

The following sources of information have been used to prepare this paper:

  • sanitised SARs and thematic reviews presented by the JFCU;
  • data provided by the JFSC;
  • cases of money laundering prosecuted locally since 2008, drawing upon sentencing
  • judgments and relevant legislation; and
  • data provided by the JCIS.

Although SARs are generally founded on suspicion rather than fact, the information they
contain is indicative of broader trends within the financial services industry. As such, JFCU
officers have contributed first-hand insight into money laundering trends and patterns
derived from SARs.

Part 1 of this paper sets out and evaluates discernible money laundering methods and
techniques – identifying typologies. A synopsis of each case is followed by an analysis of
the lessons to be learned from an industry perspective. Necessarily, the report gives
examples of abuse of position and misuse of legal persons and legal arrangements. As
highlighted earlier, it is important to bear in mind that the vast majority of products and
services, and legal persons and legal arrangements, are used for legitimate purposes and
only a small minority are misused.

Part 2 of this paper gives an overview of one emerging trend: the use of virtual currencies
for criminal purposes.

3 Anti-Money Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism: Typologies from a Jersey
perspective (October 2008)

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