2015 may see an extension of the corporate offence under the Bribery Act to make companies liable for “failing to prevent” any economic crime. In 2015 we are likely to see the introduction and/or prosecution of a range of new offences, including energy market manipulation and insider dealing offences and a strict liability cartel offence, […]
Read MoreA sweeping new criminal law for companies?
2015 may see an extension of the corporate offence under the Bribery Act to make companies liable for “failing to prevent” any economic crime. In 2015 we are likely to see the introduction and/or prosecution of a range of new offences, including energy market manipulation and insider dealing offences and a strict liability cartel offence, […]
Read MoreDeferred prosecution agreements to be introduced in the UK
Beginning in February 2014, the agreements may be used as a sentencing tool for corporate bribery, fraud, and other economic crimes. Under the UK Crime and Courts Act 2013, which received royal assent in April, deferred prosecution agreements (DPAs) will be made available from February 2014 to the Director of the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) […]
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